Is it Ok to Write When You Have Nothing to Write About??

Every so often, I get an urge to start up a blog.

I used to blog a long time ago but these posts are all hidden drafts I don't wish to share any more. When I did write, I got so much enjoyment out of it. Even if it was sharing some nail polish I bought, I liked spending my time typing away. But, no matter what, I would always get a seed of doubt and stop posting. Every time.

When I first started these blogs, I was 17/18/19. I'm now 25 years old and so much has changed in this time, but my urge to write has always been there but so has that annoying little seed of doubt.
It's a naughty little thing.

So, I'm going to try and give this a go. Watch this space. I just need to find out what the actual HELL I want to write about. Is it ok to write if you have nothing to write about? Is it ok even though you have nothing to say?? Nothing of real importance anyway... I can assure you nothing life changing will be typed out by these little finger tips.

My boyfriend has just walked in and asked what I'm doing.
"I'm writing."
"What are you writing about?"
"If its ok to write when you have nothing to write about."
Theres a pause...
"Wow... Thats a real thinker Lizzie."

He's right. We'll soon find out if it is ok or not.


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